Chinomso Elvy Asonye

Chinomso Elvy Asonye.
Lieutenant United States Navy.
Masters of Science in Management.
Training and Force Protection Staff Officer, Amphibious
Squadron Four.
Norfolk, Virginia.

Elvy’s Study Tips.
Write out notes with big topics as you read through the material.
I read it through first, then I re-read a passage or chapter and write out notes in an outline format.
This helps me review the content straight from the source and write in my own words to make sure I understand it.
I refer to the textbook or article to fill in any gaps that I might have.
Study partners are a huge asset.
I prefer not to study in large groups, my style is one or two others maximum.
This is usually for quiz or test prep to ensure I understand and can explain the material to be tested.
We review separately then together for ideas that may not be as concrete.

Best wishes and be your own best self!