Upload a profile:

  1. After logging into your account, go to your My Profile page by hovering on your name at the top right menu.
  2. Fill all fileds in “Personal Info” by clicking on specific input field, some of them are dropdowns. Fields like Specialty, Language Spoken, Alternative Careers are multiple choice dropdowns
  3. Click button “Save” to be stored.
  4. Move to “Office Address” card by clicking on office address button in profile menu navigation
  5. To add new office address click “Add another one” button and fill all necessary fields (note that your google map office will be generated automatically when correct address filled)
  6. Click button “Save” to be stored.
  7. Move to “Bio” card by clicking on bio button in profile menu navigation
  8. Fill “Bio” using text editor (notice that text formatting are available by text editor)
  9. Click button “Save” to be stored.
  10. Move to “Specialties” card by clicking on specialties button in profile menu navigation
  11. Add all necessary rows by clicking “Add another one” or “plus” icon
  12. Click button “Save” to be stored.
  13. Move to “Certificates” card by clicking on certificates button in profile menu navigation
  14. Pickup certificate image from “choose a file” and to upload click “Upload” (notice that only images are acceptance under 3mb size)

Upload a picture:

  1. After logging into your account, go to your My Profile page by hovering on your name at the top right menu.
  2. To move profile image upload section click “change” near “Profile Image”
  3. Upload profile image by choosing picture on pickup field and clicking “Upload” button